Colors And Occasions For Roses Delivery
Roses are extremely popular for a variety of gift-giving circumstances. Some colors are better suited for certain occasions than others because each rose color sends a different message. For instance, yellow and pink are common colors for Mother's Day. Here are some common rose color meanings so you can choose the right roses delivery for all upcoming occasions.
Red roses are by far the most romantic option, making them the best-selling rose color. If you and your partner are the romantic types, red roses are ideal for celebrating anniversaries and Valentine's Day. A red rose Bouq can also be a beautiful birthday party for the person you love.
Pink roses represent femininity, grace, and sweetness. These flowers are ideal to give to your sister, daughter, or friend for any occasion you choose. These Bouqs are even the perfect roses delivery for no reason at all!
Orange roses are full of energy and excitement and can show passionate love. They can make someone smile, especially if you're in a relatively new romantic relationship, and are still trying to make a good impression on your partner.
Yellow roses represent joy, cheer, sunshine, and happiness. Their vibrant colors are an excellent way to say "Get well soon," "Thanks for being my friend," or "Congratulations on your new baby!"
Cream roses are the height of elegance and indicative of thoughtfulness, friendship, and charm. A cream rose Bouq is an excellent "just because" present that lets someone know you're thinking of them.
White roses evoke purity, innocence, and new beginnings, making them popular choices for bridal bouquets and Sweet 16 parties.
What do white roses mean?
Symbolizing purity, youth, and innocence, white roses are associated with bridal bouquets. They signify true love and loyalty which makes them fitting to include in elegant funeral arrangements or a Mother’s Day bouquet.
What do 12 roses mean?
12 is associated with completeness. There are 12 hours a day, 12 months in a year, 12 zodiac signs, and we all buy eggs by the dozen. The number 12 carries a symbolic and spiritual significance. This meaning evolved into the gesture of sending 12 roses as a way of asking, “would you be mine?”
Yellow roses are a humble way of symbolizing respect, compassion, and enduring love for the deceased. Because yellow roses also symbolize friendship, they work well as a focal color to send to friends or colleagues to show appreciation.
How To Care For Your Rose Bouquet After Delivery
When you order a flower arrangement you want it to last as long as possible. Here are some care tips to make a roses delivery last longer, which you can give alongside a Bouq:
- When you receive a delivery of roses, cut the stems at an angle to the length that will best show them off in your vase. Don't cut them too short, since you should keep trimming them over the next week or two.
- Fill a vase with fresh room temperature water.
- Add in a packet of flower food or 2 tablespoons of sugar and stir.
- Arrange the roses in the vase to your liking.
- Place the vase where the flowers can get plenty of indirect light. Keep them out of direct sun, since that will cause them to fade.
- Every other day, change out the vase water and cut another inch off the stems, always at an angle.